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Home Trace Profiler

Trace Profiler

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The TraceProfiler is primarily to aid in viewing Moca based trace files, but can also load other ascii based files.  The TraceProfiler shows a user an interperted view of the log file, building a tree based structure on the left and showing the ascii text on the right.  When items in the tree are selected, the text that corresponds is shown on the right.  The TraceProfiler is a solid front line tool for directly explaining and simplifying a traced process to its deepest level.  Visibility to see the important items in a trace is crucial to quickly identifying potential issues and resolving issues.


Easily open files from remote systems. The dialog window automatically sorts results in time order selecting the last file for quickly accessing current files. With multiple file types access to logs even without profile information has never been easier.



Quickly Find information in either the profile or log sections using the toolbar.


Take control over the display of your Profile by customizing and adding rules through the "Profile Display Options" available in the "Tools" menu. The example below outlines a quick method for visually highlighting all policy references using a green background.



  • Easily accessed from within LextEdit
  • Viewing Trace Files with the TraceProfiler
  • Even Quicker download times than other tools
  • Ability to save file locally and view at anytime
  • Customizable Profile Display Options
  • Ability to filter on desired file types
  • View all commands or only the command types you want to view
  • Quickly open LextEdit from the toolbar
  • Automatic compression upon local save
  • Double click on select statements to view in an Explain Plan


Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 21:54  


LextEdit makes it easy to support your business needs, allowing you to get at the information you need in minutes. Whether you want quick, easy access to Trace information or robust development tools, LextEdit has the added functionality when you need it.